Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spicy Crock Pot Chicken Wings and Veggies

For the 4th of July, each year we take the boat out to the lake and get on the water early enough to get a decent spot before the fireworks start.  So we did this last night and I made some dinner to take with us as well.  It was de-lish

Ingredients :
1/2 cup water
Chicken wings 1 package, around 6 wings
4 tbsp Season Salt
4 tbsp Italian Seasoning (I was not about to do a food run on the 4th, so I used pizza seasoning)
4 tbsp Onion Powder
3 tbsp Ground Red Pepper
1 whole Russet potato, cut into cubes, May use more for a larger family
1 cup carrots

Directions :
I placed the chicken wings in crock pot, then added seasoning
Add 1/2 cup water

Cook for 90 minutes on high
Flip Chicken and Baste with water mixture in bottom of crockpot
Cook for another 90 minutes on high, Re-basting every 30-35 minutes
In a shallow pot of water, boil carrots and cut up potato
After water has completely disappeared, Pour chicken into carrot and potato mixture,
Cook on high until seasoned water is gone.
Cool for 5-10 minutes

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