Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fishing, Off Roading, and Having Some Fun

Recently, we went off roading near where I grew up. It's a little hidden treasure in Hilham, TN.  So I'm going to be tight lipped about the exact location, as I am sworn to secrecy.  But talk about some fun.  For all some southerners, this is it.  Fresh air, great views, no city in sight, sound of water flowing, and a little fun on a rhino. :)

Our initial plan was to go fishing.  But then we hopped in the rhino, and since it had recently rained, our plans quickly changed.  A little mud slingin' was bound to happen. :)  There's just something fun about hopping in a Rhino, and flying down some old dirt (or muddy in our case) roads.  Had a blast running through mud puddles (and I dont mean your average size puddles) I mean large enough that something could be hiding in there.  Large enough that water's now coming in through the bottom of the door and soaking your feet :) That's the kind of fun we're talking about.

So, we ran through some puddles, I pulled out my camera quite a few times and attempted to video this.  I refuse to post the video I shot due to my sissyness caught on camera. ;)  And after we finished riding, we decided to start wading the river and fish....

Notice the big rock to the left in this photo?  The last time my husband was here, about 2 months ago, the water level was so high after a good rain that the rock was not visible and you couldn't get across the river at this point.  We fished this river for 4 hours.  I was a little slow keeping up.  LOL, But I couldn't wait to filet some fish.  Well, I didn't have anything to do with fileting the fish, just the cooking :)

Not bad if we say so :).  We had caught 4, but one fell out of the hubby's hand when he was putting it on the stringer.  Slippery little fish.  It was a wonderful day, and I can't wait to go again :)

My husband actually went again today with his friend.  We'll call him the 'Ragin' Cajun' lol.  This was their catch today...

These were delicious.  There's something about river fish that taste so much better than pond fish.  Taste more fresh.  I'm going to post a breading recipe & tartar sauce as well :)

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