Monday, July 2, 2012

Easy Rotisserie Style Crockpot Chicken

I'm a cook.  Well, not professionally, but I love to cook. But then there are some days... say when the boys are keeping me busy with doctors appointments and grocery shopping and playing outside... these days I'm so worn out from working 12 hours the night before I totally have given up by the time josh arrives home during the evening. I think he can tell too because as soon as he walks in, he saves me by occupying at least one of them, if not both to give me a moment to regain sanity.

Anyway on days like this, when I KNOW it is going to be a busy day, I go to my crockpot guide. Something simple. We recently found a GREAT deal at Food Lion. They had whole tyson brand (I think) chickens on sale for $4 each! I bought 3. It's too good of a deal to pass up!  I cooked one that day, and the others I put in the deep freezer. Awesome idea.  Anyway this is how I made my yummy Crockpot chicken :)

I do not skin my chicken. I suppose you could, but I love that yummyness.



1 whole chicken
3 tbsp season salt
3 tbsp onion powder
4 tbsp italian seasoning
3 tbsp paprika
2 cloves of garlic
4 tbsp butter, cut up in cubes
1/2 cup water

Directions :

Place in crockpot upside down after removing innards
Add half butter and 1/2 cup water to crockpot.
Cover and cook on high for 2 hours or on low for 3 hours.
I then, flip my bird over with 2 sets of tongs and add seasonings & butter to the top of the chicken.
Recover and cook the rest of the time, if on high for 2 more hours or if previously cooked on low, cook for 4 more hours.
As it's cooking, to keep my chicken from drying out, I baste it with the juices that are down and in the crockpot.  Not too often, but maybe once an hour I'll completely baste the whole chicken down, then continue with my day.

That's it. Easy. I serve this with broccoli and baked potatoes. We also keep leftovers and put them on toasted burger buns for lunch the next day with some pepperjack cheese. mmmm

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